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hi! we are a bookshop + bar in Ghent. we're trying to bring the margins to the center, in books and in people. rokko is queer, feminist and radical <3 what we mean by that, you can read here.
rokko specializes in literature on decolonization, feminism, gender studies, LGBTQIA+ and nature & climate. We offer poetry and prose, fiction and non-fiction, children's books and graphic novels. We carefully select our offer, not based on numbers but by personal choice of our team and our cooperants. rokko is committed to shedding light on less known, qualitative publishers and authors.
Everyone is welcome and has to be able to be themselves in rokko. This is especially our goal for people from the queer community.
rokko wants to bring oppressed voices to the forefront. We believe we can make society more inclusive by making rokko a knowledge center. We want to make rokko's offerings as accessible as possible to people who experience forms of social exclusion.
rokko is a soft place that seeks connection from open dialogue. Mistakes are allowed, there is room to learn from each other. There is no place for discrimination in any form.
rokko wants to invite people to browse, discover, exchange and appeal to their imagination. rokko creates a community between the bookshelves, where literature is the source for conversations and insights. rokko wants to be a third place besides home and work for Gentenaars: a place that strengthens the community.
rokko aims to make texts on feminism, queerness, gender, decolonization and nature & climate locally accessible as the only queer feminist bookstore in Flanders. A large part of our offer is in Dutch.
rokko also wants to be part of the Ghent social fabric. We seek collaborations with other cooperatives, non-profit organizations and organizations within Ghent to learn from and support each other. Rokko starts from a cooperative mindset: we want as many people and organizations as possible to help shape rokko.
rokko constantly seeks the balance between our passion and vision and that which is commercially necessary. We seek a balance between the wishes and desires of clients and what our planet and its inhabitants can bear. We make conscious choices about what we can and cannot do to preserve the carrying capacity of the team and the survival of rokko. In doing so, we do not want to lose sight of softness and connection.
We rely on our cooperators to combine a queer, feminist and radical bookstore and coffee bar with debates, performances, workshops and book readings.